Meaning Of Beauty

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The True Meaning of Beauty There are many different ways that beauty can be explained. People have always attempted to find, create, and pursue beauty. A quick checkout at the grocery store will reveal an excess of magazines devoted purely to what they call beauty and the proper pursuit of it. Most have an idea of what they might personally define as beauty, but not as a broad-spectrum definition. That which one might label ugly another might call absolutely stunning. Some find beauty in cats, others in dogs, just as full moon glowing over the ocean sea. Beauty is not always what people think it may be especially when it has many different meanings. Beauty can be a person place or thing. Beauty has meaning of the inner most body. The personality of one who may be described by others as a beast, not good looking, nose to big, eyes to small, ears don't fit head. Beauty by this meaning is to inform you that beauty on the inside is a heart of gold. That just because the face on the outer body may look one way it does not describe what's going on in the inside. The good friend, the helper, the lover. That one stands by your side through the hard times. The family member you have that is always caring for you. The one that will not tell your business to others. Beauty is not by the way you look on the outside but the way you look and make one feel on the inside. Some may say it is the outside of beauty that makes them want that one person. Beauty that makes two people attracted like no other. Beauty is on the inside of the person there with compassion. The way one feels when one is close to a loved one's heart. One that is universal language is the smile. A volunteer that may be helping the hungry while inside fulfilling the need to assist and help. Helping those on a holiday when one is lonely with no family. Beauty is not just the way one looks but the inner beauty
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