Mcdonaldization of Education

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In our society, everything is becoming more fast-paced and efficient; such as drive-thrus and high-speed phones. McDonaldization is even occurring in schools. Many post-secondary schools are providing fast-track programs for people who wish to attain a degree in a certain field. The McDonaldization of colleges and universities is helpful to society because the people who are unable to attend classes for a long period of time, or want to enter a different field in their career have a more easier, money-efficient and less time-consuming option. Efficiency in McDonaldization is what is considered to be the best mode of production, however individuality is not allowed. The programs are efficient as everyone is fulfilling the same criteria and is getting the same knowledge. However, nobody gets the advantage of learning something different. The calculability of the program, assessment based on quantity over quality, is not outstanding. The professors are teaching the students in the fast-track programs several of things, however the time to grasp and learn these topics are less- thus resulting in the quantity of people who have the diploma or degree to be greater, however the quality of their education will be lesser. Diane Wong (2010) has found that Mcdonaldization has changed the higher education system as examinations are being marked by computers and not individually by lecturers. Wong (2010) states that although this increases efficiency for the lectures, the students education is now valued on the basis of a standardised grade rather than an overview of their progress and achievements. Another principle that could be applied to the fast-track programs is the control principle, which is the substitution of human labor with non-human labor. Many assignments and lessons are being taught through a computer, as some students do not have the ability or the time to
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