Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

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Maya Angelou I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings When Maya Angelou talks about the day of her graduation she describes herself as going to be lovely. This showed that at this point of her life she reached a level of security. Her self-esteem was at an ultimate high, because in the earlier chapters of the book she describes her self as being extremely skinny and unattractive. However, her description of being lovely because of the beautiful dress that was made for her went beyond physical characteristics. Her beauty shined from within, finishing school and about to set path onto high school in a time where blacks had a history of segregation and a promising future was not envisioned. Her acknowledgement of nature and the colors of the clouds and how they shifted through the sky and comparison to her happiness was a sign of a new beginning for her. When she speaks of her memories she uses the word trammeled to describe that part of her life and how it was a hindrance to her that had been lifted and faded away into nonexistence. When she speaks of Henry the class valedictorian she was happy for him and their friendship gave her a sense of confidence. Their competition in their studies kept them both motivated and Maya was okay with always coming in second. To her being able to have the ability to compete with him made her aware that she had just as much smarts and talents that he did. When the guest speakers of commencement arrived Maya describes them as white men. She felt that in the time where racism existed why would these men even care about their accomplishments. The moment when the guest speaker spoke of the future of these students he compared them to athletes, which stirred up negative emotions for Maya Angelou. She felt that the future of blacks didn’t have to be promises of how successful athletes they could be. The possibilities of their future did not
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