Maus Reading Response: Cat and Maus

253 Words2 Pages
There is specific symbolism in the choice of animal representation for the novel. Animals are chosen to symbolize the human interactions, illustrated with different groups of animals. The animal imagery used throughout Maus creates an allegory, in which the different types of people are characterized in a simple manner with the characteristics of the animals. The Jews and Germans were in the midst of a cat and mouse game - the Jews were being hunted by ruthless Germans, just as cats hunt innocent mice. Depicting the Jewish people as mice conveys an assortment of different attitudes towards the Jewish people such that they are small, loveable, harmless, and yet perilous, repellent, and ugly. The mice have soft features, conveying a level of friendliness and approachability. Portraying the Germans as cats brings out the power and malevolence of the entire Holocaust experience, in which cats do not just kill mice, they capture them, play with them, and then kill them.They appear vicious around the mice, often looking angry and bearing their teeth. Natural sworn enemies, both cat and mice lack reason and conscience. As a result, the Nazi cats find no fault in the systematic killing of Jewish mice. In life, a mouse is prey for a cat, and as shown in the book, a Jew is prey for a Nazi. This juxtaposition serves to make the point that the 'cats' were preying on a completely innocent and happy group of people, and is designed to invoke an emotional response from the

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