Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Sharonda Grimes SPC 2300-92 Instructor: Jennifer Manuel January 19, 2012 Abram Maslow believed that basic needs needed to be satisfied before moving on to other needs. He created the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs chart. The chart has five levels. The levels range from the most basic needs to the most abstract needs. I will be describing each level and explaining how belonging needs and self esteem needs currently apply to me. The fifth level which is the most basic level is physical needs. These needs include water air, food, and sleep. Communication helps us meet these needs. People have to communicate in order to let someone know they are hungry, sick, or in pain. Physical needs are needs that help us survive. The fourth level is safety needs. Safety needs includes protection, security, safe neighborhoods health insurance, and steady employment. Communication helps protect us from harm by using word of mouth, internet, and news media. The third level is the belonging needs level. People want to be accepted and needed by others, People needs each other to enjoy life, feel comfortable at work, and to fit into social groups. We communicate with others by listening, talking, responding, sharing, feelings, and working together. The fourth level is self-esteem needs. This need included achievement, status, responsibility, and respecting yourself and others. We use communication with self-esteem needs by complimenting each other and recognizing someone for their achievements. The fifth level is self-actualization needs. Self-actualization is the most abstract need. This need includes personal growth and fulfillment. People become concerned about the opinion of others and want to improve themselves. People use communication by encouraging others to succeed. Teachers encourage their students to reach for the stars. Parents
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