Martin Luther vs John Calvin

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Martin Luther and John Calvin are two of the most influential people in the reformation of the Catholic Church. They helped bring reform to the Catholic Church. Both Calvin and Luther are key figures in the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther wanted reform because of the selling of indulgences. He believed that the indulgences were unjust because the indulgences were aimed at wealthy people who had the money to buy them while poor peasants were too poor to afford them. John Calvin believed in pre-destination, a belief that people were chosen to go to heaven or hell when they were born, and nothing can change that. He also brought reformation in the city of Geneva, restricting gambling and dancing. Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483. He is famous for his 95 Theses, where he attacked the Catholic Church for selling indulgences and the corruption in the church. He believed that the indulgences were unfair because the lower social class could not afford them. He was then declared a heretic for his views on the Catholic Church. Luther later translated the New Testament from Greek to German allowing Germans to read the bible without having to know other languages. His ideas spread like wildfire to the population and forced the Catholic Church to bring reforms. John Calvin was born in 1509 and studied law and religion. He believed in pre-destination, a belief that a person is chosen whether they will go to heaven or hell when they are born. He was asked to help bring the Protestant Reformation in Geneva. He was very strict and put regulations on gambling, dancing, and swearing. His ideas spread through Europe and created another branch of Christianity: Calvinism. Both John Calvin and Martin Luther were key figures in the Protestant reformation. Martin Luther and John Calvin had similar ideas but also different ones. Both Martin Luther and John Calvin
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