To What Extent Should the People Responsible for Santiago's Death? Should the Vicario Brothers Pay Full Responsibility?

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In the near twentieth century, immigrants began to flood into Latin America. During this migration, “a fair number of the settlers were former Muslims of Spain had been required to convert to Christianity.” This migration not only symbolized the hegemonic state of religion, but also influenced Márquez’s writing in his notable novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Throughout the novel, Márquez inferred an existence of hierarchy indicating the religion as a dominant power in the society of the novella. The religion itself stands as a falconer in the novella, whereas the people are the manipulated falcons. If given a target to accomplish, the townsfolk will take the necessary actions without a doubt. By portraying this corrupted relationship between Bourgeoisie (The religion) and proletariat (the townsfolk), Márquez presented us the foretold death of the novella’s protagonist, Santiago Nasar. Márquez illustrated the unjust allocation of power in the novella by depicting a foolish reverence the townsfolk have for the Catholic Church. In the near twentieth century, Catholic Church is the dominant religion of Latin America. The religion started humble, but as the quantity of followers increased it became one of the most influential forces in Latin America’s history. Márquez’s abhorrence for this hierarchical system, the Catholic Church imposed on the townsfolk was reflected on Santiago Nasar’s mother, Plácida Linero. On the day of Bishop’s arrival, Plácida Linero “showed no sign of interest.” (PG8) She even criticized the Bishop outright saying that “[the Bishop will give an obiligatory blessing, as always, and go back the way he came. He hates this town.” (pg 8). Through this quote Márquez depicted the Bishop as a figurehead simply carrying out a ritual to have an interaction with the impoverished people. The Bishop’s arrival simply represents a sense of hope for the

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