Marta De Jesus Analysis

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Discuss the relation between healing of self and healing of others in the lives of Henry Rupert, Marta de Jesus and Mama Lola The relation between healing of self and healing of others in the lives of Henry Rupert, Marta de Jesus and Mama is an important correlation in their journey to spiritual enlightenment and prominence in their respective communities. Their strong and independent personalities and willingness to adapt in their western environment - as part of a marginalized or disadvantaged community - shapes and nurtures them for their success in spiritual healing. The Shaman, Espiritistas and Vodou Priestess all share important commonalities that would later contribute to their success as healers: 1. Individuals from marginalized…show more content…
Her healing work has also been published in the local news media. Mama Lola was very much open to alternative methods of healing “she is not afraid to incorporate elements from other cultures into her own worldview.” “… her whole life is about movement between cultures and about understanding and coping with cultural difference.” (Pg 206, Mama Lola) Mama Lola’s line of work not only deals with health problems but also love, work and family difficulties. Her healing skills combine that of a medical doctor, psychotherapist, a social working and priest and is well respected in her community not just for her work but as a good woman. “She has a group of steady followers who appreciate her for being trustworthy and discreet as well as effective. It is also widely known that she adheres to a tradition that discourages making large profits from healing work”. (Pg 197, Karen McCarthy Brown) Her reputation, “spread by word of mouth, has lead to invitations to perform “treatments” throughout the eastern United States and Canada and several places in the Caribbean and Central America.” (Pg 197, Karen McCarthy Brown)

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