Managing Cultural Diversity

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Culture can be defined as the inherited values, concepts and ways of living which are shared by people of the same social group (Kawar, 2012). The spread of culture has been on the increase with the spread of globalization through business trade and business expansion. Expansion of the Multinational Enterprises out of their home country stems from the need for market for finished products, availability of raw materials and cheap labour; this expansion has further been encouraged by the advantages it poses for the host country. Multinational Enterprises are businesses differentiated usually by the size –economically and structurally, these factors makes the staff choice diverse and based on competence rather than background. Having staff based on competence means they come from diverse background with different cultural orientations; this phenomenon is called culture diversity in an organization. Globalization as a factor that enabled the rise of Multinational Enterprises came with the exchange of culture; globalization in this parlance as explained by Del Giudice, Carayannis and Della Peruta (2012) is advancement in science and big industrialization which results in the economic life of companies and organizations been dominated by complexities and structural uncertainty. These complexities and uncertainties is a result of cultural diversity, i.e. differences in cultural beliefs and practices. The main element of culture is communication; culture spread cannot be achieved without communication (Child, 2009). This element could form the toughest complexity in any organization. Good communication is achieved with encoding a message by the sender and appropriately decoding the same message by the receiver. Communication and language is peculiar to cultures, a word or sign can mean different things to different cultures (Preda, 2008) so this can pose a serious threat
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