Luck or Preparation Essay

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Luck is a Matter of Preparation Meeting Opportunity As the saying comes out of the mouth of the American talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, one cannot help but wonder why she is keen on reducing the element of fun and excitement from the idea of luck in the minds of many people. Luck is perceived as an unplanned or unforeseen fortune in one’s favor. Opportunity is what defines fortune that is pending or accessible with the right resources. When I evaluate Winfrey’s statement, I can’t help but ask myself, why is it that some people succeed and others fail? Further analysis of my environment and observation makes me land onto my second question, why do some people seem to be the only ones who get lucky time and again yet others fail repeatedly? Based on my two questions, I totally agree with Winfrey when she proclaims, luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. Since time immemorial nothing has ever created excitement associated with luck as much as betting or gambling. The idea of chance at its best is what defines betting and thus forming my basic definition of preparedness- money. All that one requires to stand a chance of winning is some money or a form of wealth that allows you to attempt winning. Therefore, anyone irrespective of their background and status can bet as long as they have some money which is the basic requirement. Conventionally, preparation means being ready for a certain undertaking. This calls for an individual to clearly understand the requirements that satisfy a certain task or endeavor in order to achieve certain favorable results. Winfrey in her statement meant to make it clear to everyone the fact there is a difference between luck and the process of achieving it. Many people hope to get lucky and are fully aware of what they hope for but don’t pay as much attention to the process of getting lucky which Winfrey is
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