Lowest Animal Essay

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Ben Forsberg Period 6 02/21/15 The Good of Man Human kind, as we know it, is the highest of the animal kingdom. Because we’re the smartest, we’re the most intuitive, and we’re the most ingenious of problem solvers. So, why on earth are we often referred to as the lowest of animals, or the cruelest organisms? We may seem that way at times, but it’s because we can recognize our flaws that sets us apart. Monkeys, dolphins, mice, cats, and all other animals have no moral compass or purpose. That along with numerous other reasons help define us as humans rather than animals. Mark Twain tries to compare us to animals in “The Lowest Animal”, but we’re in a totally different ballpark. So my three points for this discussion are as follows: Our moral compass, our ability to feel compassion for other things, and our appeal to the aesthetic. Everyone starts out with a moral compass. Other than of course sociopaths, but those are outliers so I’m not including them in my topic. We are all born with an idea of what’s right from wrong. It’s most often referred to as natural law, or as I like to call it, “the universal law of man”. Without getting too into it, It basically says that we all have a basic idea of how we want to be treated and how we should treat others. Kind of like the golden rule. Animals however have no moral compass. An animal my feel bad because of the consequences of a situation, but a human can feel compassion for another person in that situation. An animal will not act unless it is doing so for it’s own well being or the well being of it’s genes being passed on. That brings me to my next point. Instinct vs personal decisions. Humans do some pretty quarky things when you think about it. We feel compassion or connection to things that don’t particularly make sense. For example, I could take a pencil, show it to you, tell you it’s name was Steve, tell

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