Love: a Force Of a Greater Kind

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Love: a force of a greater kind The word Love means different things to different people, it is written about in different forms and fashions and it is referred to in different emotional states. Love is often times thought of as an emotion that is breath taking and over whelming but it can also be thought of as a choice, that one chooses to do or chooses not to do. Love can be for a person or for oneself, as well as can it be for a greater force in life. Love is the way that we show how we feel about people as well as it’s the way that we define relationships. We show love at different levels and in different ways, but all in all love is love and if it truly is love then it is always a positive thing. No love is too little or too much because any love at all is plenty. Love can be hard to find but once find is very seldom lost and in the rare occasion that it is thought to be lost, more times than not it is found again. It is often said if you love something and then you let it go and if it was meant to be then it will come back to you. The Love of The Lord is no different. The Lord loves us in a way that is unimaginable to humankind, with no regard for wrong doing and with no limit. He loves us when we deserve it as well as when we don’t. He loved us enough to create us and loved us even before he created us. He loves us all and in the same manner and though we may not see it, we feel it in the way of life. He loves us so much that he created us in his image and trusts that like him we will learn to love one another the way he loves us as well. This is the reason that he lets us be our own person, so that we may see that he doesn’t only love us because we are good but he loves us at all times. He allows us to have free will in order to give us the chance to choose his way. If we would rather choose another way, he allows that as well, only so that he
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