Long Term Problems of Treaty of Versailles

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The League of Nations created after the treaty of Versailles was not powerful enough to help eliminate the conflicts between the nations effectively since it mostly excluded Germany and the Soviet Union and the United States was never involved. In 1935, Italian armed forces invaded Ethiopia and no action was taken by the League of Nations. In addition, Japan took a part of China called Manchuria, and the League was unable to stop that invasion. Furthermore, Italians invaded the port of Fiume which was originally given to Yugoslavia, and the League of nations failed to play their role. The peace settlements left a layer of bitterness specially in Germany. Germans felt that Treaty of Versailles was unjust in holding Germany alone responsible for the war because even if Germany played a vital role in causing the war, the other nations also participated in it and therefore, made a minor war into a total war. In addition, the military terms of the Treaty (army of 100,000, only 6 battleships, no submarines or aeroplanes) is another part that disappointed Germans a lot. For Germans, not to be able to send troops even to places inside Germany was a national insult.The Germans were not invited to negotiate the treaty even. The Versailles Treaty required Germany to pay stiff reparations. The reparations bill totaled $33 billion. Germany faced disastrous inflation.The anger that built up in Nazi Germany - and which was played on by Hitler during his rise to power had long term causes that went back to the 1919 Treaty of Versailles since the patriotic Germans had never forgotten their nation's treatment in Paris. The peace settlements led to the creation of new nations of Eastern Europe. However, the principle of national self-determinations had not always been followed. Many Germans, for example, were living in Poland. Several million German-speaking people lived within
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