Life Of Pericles

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Page 1 Pericles was one of the greatest Athenians during Classic Greece period between 495-429 BC. Born of an Alcmaenoid ( the noble Athenians) family, Pericles became an influential Athenian leader. Pericles had an amazing orator, leadership and strategos (army general) skills that helped him to strengthen the Athens which later transformed into an Athenian Empire. Following Cleisthenes' great modernization of Athens Pericles helped to establish a strong and powerful government by, uniting the hellenic states (small city-states around Aegean Sea) supporting a democratic government, improved the life of the Athenians, and excel in tactic and clever war strategies. Some historians such as Plutarch believed that Pericles was the one who initiated the Peloponnesian war that started in 431 BC. First, Pericles helped to establish a wealthy and a large Athenian empire. In the Plutarch's Life of Pericles, Plutarch tells about Pericles' plan on combining the small city-states under Athens.“His statesmanlike scheme for uniting all the Hellenic states in a single powerful confederation having common interests, which was frustrated by the jelaousy and secret opposition of Sparta, with whom were the sympathies of the Peloponnesians (c.17).”[1] Pericles' goal was to unite all the small greek city-states that border the Aegean sea. This was due to a possible invasion Page 2 of Persia, because there were still Ionian cities that Persian ruled and Pericles wanted to make sure that invasion does not occur by forming alliance with the Aegean city-states. His aim was to strengthen the power of Athens over the whole area of her confederacy .[2] This was also one of the causes of the war between Athens and Sparta, because Sparta feared of the rapid growth of Athens. Athens began to grow rapidly after joining the alliance. It became the wealthiest city-state in Greece, because

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