Level 2 Certificate in Nutrition and Health Unit 5

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Part 1: Know about different eating disorders 1a. Describe at least two different eating disorders. Eating disorder 1: Binge eating disorder (BED) is where a person overeats. They may be obsessed with food and may continue to eat even when full; sometimes until they are sick. About 50 percent of people with eating disorders suffer from BED. The main effect on health is becoming overweight. Eating disorder 2: Although Anorexia nervosa is the most well-known eating disorder, but the least common with sufferers making up only 10 percent of people with eating disorders. This is where the sufferer is obsessed with body image and losing weight. The physical effects are obvious. Sufferers have an irrational fear of putting on weight and are obsessed with being thin 1b. Describe the signs and symptoms of the eating disorders you described in Question 1a above. Eating disorder 1: Binge eating disorder sufferers often feel out of control and cannot stop eating, even when they are full. As with other eating disorder sufferers, they negatively evaluate their body shape and weight. They may find comfort in food if they are stressed or unhappy, then feel guilty after bingeing. As the disorder becomes a dominant part of their life, the sufferer may become withdrawn and isolated. Eating disorder 2: Anorexia nervosa sufferers have a distorted body image, which is at the heart of the condition. They constantly worry about their weight and are obsessed with being thin. They count calories, skip meals and may take laxatives as a means of keeping their weight down. Sufferers may become isolated and depressed as they become socially withdrawn. 1c. Describe the possible short-term and long-term effects on health of these eating disorders. Eating disorder 1: The main effect of binge eating disorder is becoming overweight. Short term
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