Let Boys Be Boys

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Young boys are one of the least-accommodated groups in modern society. Our modern focus on safety over exploration, ‘hard knocks’ and even the most basic aspects of kinesthetic learning -- has turned the adage of “the boys will be boys” entirely on its head. Today, the phrase resonates more with college-age rape culture and mid-life crises than it does with its historical origins in the lives of the schoolhouse crowd. As you stated in "Reexamining the Plight of Young Men" there were no more examples of “boys being boys” in the modern classroom, because “being boys” is no longer politically correct (Rosenfeld, 1998). But that's not a prescription for a functional society of 2025 and we cannot lose sight of the fact that the boys of today are going to become the men of tomorrow. While boys from the moment of birth are inherently expected to be frustrating, disruptive, inappropriate and foolish, girls on the other hand, join society (in the form of school and popular culture) with a very different set of messages. Messages implying that girls tend to be less destructive, more docile, understanding and patient. As you mentioned that boys were not allowed to grow up how they naturally wanted to. Instead, boys were repressed by social norms and expectations of the modern age in order to be politically correct. For example, parents not letting their boys’ own toy guns caused boys to be repressed at a very young age stunting their emotional growth which affects them for the rest of the lives. While boys in school tend to get reinforcement from other boys and denouncement from the staff, young girls in school tend to get reinforcement from staff and denouncement from one another. The trend is called “social aggression” and several studies have proven that social aggression is a common occurrence from the moment when young girls begin to meet in groups. Girls deride, shun,

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