Legalization Of The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

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Legalization of all Drugs The United States Government seems to be blind to the fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is bringing the United States down and filling up our jails for criminal charges using drugs. Illegal drugs are the reason why crime is such a big issue in the United States, gangs are flourishing more so now than ever before. Although the DEA has been established for a while now, they still don’t having any regulation on what type of drug gets into the US, they crowd up our jails and waste a substantial amount of money that could be put to something profitable for the American people and economy. Even though the US government is aware that they are failing in the War on Drugs, they still are putting immense amounts…show more content…
They all have a substantial amount of a rebellious side to their personalities, which makes the entry process into illegal groups easy because all a person really needs to do is listen to his or her superiors and be willing to commit criminal acts no matter the circumstances. That’s seems pretty easy right? If the drug trade were to become a legitimate business ran by the government, the application process would be much more rigorous and professional. This would result in a legal taxing drug industry with respectable human beings as employees, not violent…show more content…
In the United States today, if an individual who has the incentive to recreationally use drugs, the fact that it’s illegal inst going to stop them from getting it. If all drugs were to be made legal, not everyone would be able to purchase them, just like alcohol and tobacco. A certain age regulation would be set. Currently, drugs are available to mostly anyone who wants them; this is because they have no regulation what so ever. The public is able to buy them at their free will resulting in drugs corrupting schools and America’s youth. The age regulation of drugs would have a positive effect on the drug use of America’s youth, it would be much harder for them to get. Today, it’s a lot more common to witness a drug deal happen in school rather than someone selling alcohol or cigarettes. It is extremely dangerous to drug users because there is no regulation, making a lot of buyers unaware of the potency of the drug or if some other drug is it. This is the main reason for overdose in America, the majority of the people that use drugs are not always sure on what really is in it. If drugs were regulated, there would be labels displaying how potent the drug is and what is exactly in
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