Examples Of Controversy Over Legalizing Marijuana

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Cont. Issue and The Law Master Thornton 1/30/13 “Marijuana Controversy” Controversy over legalizing Marijuana is sweeping the nation. Colorado and Washington are already two states that have legalized weed so far. Marijuana is a lot less dangerous than drugs already legal in the states, a stress reliever and a possible savior for our debt problem. There are a lot more pro’s than con’s when thinking whether legalization of Marijuana should be allowed. One reason why Marijuana should be legalized is because people should have the freedom to do what they want in life, even if it does harm to them. People are allowed to skydive, possess weapons and drive. All of these things could be potentially dangerous but are legal. Tobacco use is permitted after the age of 18 and drinking alcohol is permitted after the age of 21. Smoking Tobacco causes an estimated 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women and 90% of all lung cancer deaths in women. People who smoke Tobacco compared to non-smokers have a 2 to 4 times more chance of getting coronary heart disease, stroke by 2 to 4 times, and developing lung cancer by 23 times.# Alcohol is associated with many health problems such as high blood pressure, liver disease,…show more content…
The pros definitely outweigh the cons in every which way possible. Alcohol is obviously a way worse drug than marijuana and it’s legal! People should have the right to use marijuana if they please.This is the United States of America. A place where dreams come true and happiness is made. We have strived on giving people freedoms but with limitations. Of course, at first, there will be many problems with people regulating their marijuana intake and people will not listen to the law. But there was also problems when alcohol was legalized. With great power, comes great responsibility. Let the people have what they want. God Bless You. God Bless
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