Leadership Qualities in Joshua

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NAME: JOY NDANU KAKELO STUDENT NO: 12SO3ECPS007 UNIT: OLD TESTAMENT UCC 105 LECTURER: SIMEON KAMUNZU TITLE: JOSHUA DATE: 24TH September 2012 Joshua’s character: Joshua was a man of great character. He was obedient, faithful and his dependence on God made Joshua one of Israel’s strongest leaders. He provides a bold example for us to follow. He was faced with challenges but he chose to follow God, and he did it faithfully. Joshua took the Ten Commandments seriously and ordered the people of Israel to follow them as well. Joshua was also very loyal. Joshua was completely loyal to his leader. Moses had been up on the mount to get the tables of stone and the law. While he was gone, Aaron was in charge. Aaron had led the people to build a golden calf. Moses came back, and the people were naked; they were dancing, making merry, and in general, playing havoc with God’s will and purpose. It was Joshua who was with Moses even now, and it was Joshua who heard the noise of the people as they shouted. Though Aaron was disloyal when Moses was away, Joshua’s loyalty never wavered. Joshua was also very optimistic. When the twelve spies went into the Promised Land to spy it out, only two said that they could go in. Joshua was one of these; Caleb was the other. In other words, he said, “We can do it!” He had faith in what God could do. Joshua was truly humble. Before the death of Moses, again and again Moses would say to the people, “Encourage Joshua.” This meant that Joshua needed the people. He never rose above the people in his need for them. Five Leadership qualities in Joshua Humility. Joshua was humble and willing to serve. He served under Moses for forty years in the wilderness and was known as Moses “assistant” as seen in Joshua 1:1. Great leaders are humble and do not have a problem serving others even when they are working under someone. We see in Joshua 5:13-15 that he

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