Joseph Hero's Journey

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Hero’s Journey: Joseph Joseph was self confident; he believed he could be anything he wished. Joseph had one sister and eleven brothers from Jacob, his mother was Rachel. He was Jacob’s favorite son and God had great plans for Joseph. Sometimes he wasn’t very sensitive of others’ feelings. When he had dreams of greatness, he didn’t hesitate one bit to share with his brothers and dad. Because he was the most adored and had awesome dreams, his siblings got very jealous and eventually tried getting rid of him. As he got older, Joseph learned a lot through a lot of painful experiences. His positive responses to hardships kept him moving forward, he didn’t spend time asking why things happened to him; he did what was right and those who watched…show more content…
Before he died, he asked Joseph to take him back to Canaan to be buried with his ancestors. He also blessed each of his sons and Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. After Jacob’s death and burial, Joseph mourned for a long time. Joseph returned to the land of Egypt with his brothers and all those who accompanied him. Now that their father was dead, all the brothers were scared that Joseph will pay them back for all the wrong they had done to him. When Joseph received this message, he reassured them that he wouldn’t do such a thing. Joseph lived to be 110; he lived to see three generations of his youngest son, Ephraim. Before he died, his brothers were told that God would help them out of Egypt and when they do, his bones better go! After Joseph’s death, the Egyptians embalmed him and he was placed in a coffin. Joseph didn’t let the hard times shape him. He faced betrayal and desertion by his family members, sexual temptation, punishment for doing the right thing, long imprisonment and being forgotten by those he helped. He was able to do well where most people would have failed. At this end of this story, I do not think that Joseph brought a gift back from his journey after burying his father. He was a great leader during the famine; the gift he provided for his people was food but nothing else after his brothers and their families came to
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