Stable In All His Ways Analysis

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John L Holkem Dr. Linda Raughton English 101 March 26, 2011 Essay Four Exposition (Collaboration) Stable In All His Ways The heat of the summer sun was like a weight pressing down on everything. The air was so dry that could rob a person’s mouth of all moisture, making it impossible to even spit. Tommy ran in a zigzag pattern to avoid the incoming artillery fire of the imaginary army that he had been battling all afternoon. Each time his feet touched the ground, dust clouds would rise up like smoke around him. Occasionally, he would drop down and point a make believe rifle and pretend to fire. Tommy had the whole field to himself because it was too hot for anyone except an eleven year old boy and his imagination. Tommy took shelter…show more content…
Tommy read the entire book later that day and reread it hundreds of times over the years. The book became an inspiration to him. Charles Frederick enlisted in the Union Army at nineteen years of age. His family was wealthy aristocrats from Boston, who were very critical of his decision to enlist. They saw the issue of slavery as being of no consequence to them. Charles had no real convictions on that issue either but what he did have was a strong sense of patriotism. His fore fathers had come by boat from England to this new world. Many had shed blood and many died during the Revolutionary War. In Charles’ eyes, the real threat was that The United States was being torn apart and the noble cause of many a revolutionary soldier would be lost and their mortal lives given up in vain. Charles respected his family and it was a hard to go against their wishes but in the end it was a verse from the Bible that made the decision clear. Charles found himself mortally wounded from battle. Sheltered behind a rock formation, as his life’s blood ran out on the ground around him, he wrote these words. “I don’t know if anyone will find this journal or care to read the words I have written. I will soon stand before my creator in that judgment that all men must face and I hope he finds me worthy. As for this life, I give it freely for the Country I love. My family and home seem far away and I regret their…show more content…
Lying beside her was a newspaper. The headlines read “US Soldiers Get Out.” The article was about a group of protestors against the war in Iraq. There have always been disputes when Americans use military force on foreign soil. It always broke Susan’s heart when protestors mentioned and slandered our soldiers, as if the war was their doing. The soldiers were just following orders. She often wondered if these people did not realize that the soldiers were on the front lines defending everyone’s rights, even those of the protestors. She could only hope Tommy and the other soldiers would be sparred those headlines but she knew in her heart that they would not be. The worst is the welcome home that many soldiers would receive. Instead of being greeted with bands and flags, they would step off trains or planes to see protestors and anti military signs. Protestors have even been known to show up at something as sacred and hallowed as a military
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