The Role of the Judges

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There were judges in the time of Israel’s Dark Ages. They were Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. The roles of a judge in those days were sent to provide some type of structure by relaying God’s messages to the Israelites. Instead of king’s judges were the rulers of the land. People came to the judges when they needed advice and or to solve arguments between the people. Judges faced many trials and tribulations. Below you will read about their problems and how they manifested and were then resolved. First, Othniel was the first judge and gave an example as to his amazing leadership. (Judges 3:7-11) He was successful in war and against the Arameans because as a leader he was filled with Spirit of God. This was not a coincidence; Othniel won his battle because he listened to God as the first in command. After Othniel’s 40 years of leadership every other judge was corrupt. (Miller, 2003) Ehud was the second judge of Israel. (Judges 3:12-30) He was born during the last year of the wilderness or during Israel’s early years in the Promised Land. He was left handed man form the Tribe of Benjamin. He was not led by the Spirit of the Lord. Ehud was a man of direct action, a front line leader. He led the revolt against the Moabite domination. He used trickery and murdered the Moabite King Eglon and gave Israel 80 years of peace. Shamgar was the third judge and also the son of Anath. (Judges 3:31) He rescued Israel from the Philistines. He alone once killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad. It was undetermined how long he ruled as a judge. Deborah was the fourth and only female judge of Israel. (Judges 4-5) Deborah had special abilities as a mentor, advisor, and a councilor. She was a prophet and a writer of songs. Deborah wanted to serve God and she gave God credit for everything. She was willing to be led by God and in doing that she neglected her
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