Leadership at P.F. Chang’s Video Case Study

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Leadership at P.F. Chang’s Video Case Study When Rick was first hired as a waiter, instead of being introduced to the restaurant, he was tasked with cleaning the grout in the kitchen as suggested by the video. He soon found out that rather than it being a work of maintaining cleanliness, it was out of fear as a supervisor was coming to town to check on them. It struck to him then that, if he was a leader, he would not want to adopt fear as a motivator to run his company. He believes that people should execute tasks because you want to, and not because you need to. Rick as the CEO, allows a certain level of flexibility and creativity to his employees. This is evident from the way he allows Chef Paul freedom to let him do his job; the trust and support in his Chef’s judgment of handling certain tasks. Instead of just delegating defined roles, he is actually inspiring and encouraging Chef Paul space to improve himself. On top of that, Rick is also a passionate leader as seen from the presentation he was having with Chef Paul. Attending to every single minor detail, in this case as to how the dish is being presented or what goes into the dish, shows how much dedication he has placed in his job, even as a CEO, which is highly commendable. At the end of the day, Rick simply wants his customers to walk out of P.F. Chang happy and satisfied with their meal. The three leadership roles that Rick Federico could adopt are the leader, monitor and resource-allocator role. A leader role basically takes charge and performs management functions to effectively operate the business. As CEO of P.F. Chang, Rick has received sufficient experience and knowledge in all levels of the business having worked his way up from a dishwasher. With his role as leader, he is able to utilize his past experience and guide his managers to lead their teams efficiently and effectively. Under the

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