Laura Gasparis-Vonfrolio Research Paper

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I wonder if any of you remember the nurses' descent on the nation's capital on March 1995 led by Laura Gasparis-Vonfrolio. She was able to close Pennsylvania Avenue on a week day with over 30,000 nurse activists. She tried to expose the corporate greed of hospitals that did not care about the bedside nurse. She was against the management who had no conception of what nurses at the bedside go through, nor what nurses' jobs entails. She was against the micromanagement of nurses. While she was working as a critical care nurse in Staten Island in New York she was frustrated with lack of respect and constant abuse by nursing management. The harsh conditions in the hospitals motivated her to leave the hospital environment and establish herself as a figure of revolution.…show more content…
Gasparis-Vonfrolio's professional activism testifies for her commitment to the challenges of the nursing profession. Her vision was to empower nurses who will empower patients to improve America's healthcare. She stated, "It's time to publicly expose the corporate greed that removes RNs from the bedside of sick patients. We can't afford not to speak out about those unsafe hospital environments." She is beloved among the critical care community. She is a motivational and inspirational nurse educator. If you have not listened to her lectures, you owe it to yourself to do so. I listened to her education DVDs she is very well organized, it was one of the most entertaining things I ever heard. You can listen to it repeatedly and get something new each time along with a good laugh. She is extremely

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