Language and Culture

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1. Establish a connection between the article Language and Culture and any of the reading we have worked with (Sure Thing; Snow, Glass and apples; Betrayal). Use quotations from the text to support your answer. 2. Find at least 5 examples of postmodern characteristics in the readings (at least one from each reading, you must use them all) you can use the article Posmodernism and some attributes of posmodern literature. 3. Define a Lingua Franca and explain why English has come to be the Lingua Franca. 4. What is the Commonwealth and what are its purposes? 5. What are the social implications of the dialect of English which is adopted? Answers: 1. Snow, Glass and Apples. In the text, while making sex the prince says to the Queen: “You must neither move, nor speak. Just lie there on the stones, so cold and so fair.” The idea is that women don't enjoy sex, and the question is: why women shouldn't enjoy sex? This quotation shows that there is a different possition for women, and it is something percived as "natural" where the culture is internalized. Sure Thing. The fact that Betty, a young lady, is in a café table and Bill is trying to seduce her for the first time is a clear example of traditional culture. 2. Snow, Glass and Apples. We find Intertextuality from the very beginning, in the title, because we know that this story will be involved with another book wich is "Snow White", but is narrated from the point of view of Snow White’s stepmother Queen. The whole story takes place in a zone, in postmodern literature, is a place that doesn't have to be concrete where magical things happen. For example: the forest. This is magical realism. The seasons are important too. Is connected with intertextuality in the past, it was a way of counter time in the medieval. For example, people could say that someone died after 20 winters. Winter also has an

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