Imprisonment Case Study

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CONTEMPORARY CORRECTIONS TESTBANK I FALL 2011 SHORT ANSWERS: Be sure to answer all parts to all questions 1. Describe and differentiate between both Auburn and Pennsylvania systems of imprisonment. Which survived and why? 2. Be prepared to answer one bonus question about information on your syllabus. THIS MEANS READ YOUR SYLLABUS! 3. How are southern prisons different than northern prisons, historically? Use information you gained from reading your textbook and from the articles Angola and Plantation model of imprisonment. These articles are posted in COURSE DOCUMENTS on Bb (This answer will be required by everyone). 4. What did you learn about imprisonment in the Louisiana state penitentiary power point presentation you saw and the chart you created in class. List at least 5 things you learned about the history of imprisonment from these exercises. Give your reaction to this information.…show more content…
You viewed a documentary film on Thursday, Sept. 15th, 2011. Describe at least three things you learned about the history of imprisonment in the United States from this film. Please include something you learned from the film that you had not learned from your readings and/or class

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