L2 Ta Provide Displays - Optional Unit 16

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UNIT 016 – Provide Displays (016–K1) – How to select materials to include in the display. When you select materials to include in the display you need to have a good quality of backing paper and border. All the selected materials need to be relevant to a topic that the children are learning about. Where appropriate, 3D materials and textiles can be used to add interest and help to value classrooms and display areas. Often, the display should be the representation of the children’s own work. However, posters, published materials or good quality photographs can be used when the children’s own work is not available. The display should always have a clear title, a year group label and should have a short explanation of the task / learning objective. In order to enhance and enrich the displays, all the labels could be printed by school staff or children using their computer skills. It is also important that the class teacher uses a range of questions to draw attention to the display and encourage interaction. (016–K2) – How to protect the material on display from damage or theft. In order to protect the material on display from damage or theft, it is good practice to laminate the children’s works or pictures and to staple the display firmly in place. All the material items need to be labelled with the name of the person they belong to. It is also necessary to remind the children to not to fiddle with the material on display. (016–K3) – How to determine the duration of the display. Every school has different timescales for displays. Usually, the duration of the display is termly whilst others may change half-termly. In any case, the display’s duration is depending on the learning objectives taught and where it is located (school hall, corridors, classrooms). Themes and timescales for display are agreed and planned amongst staff. (016–K5) – What health and safety
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