Kudler Fine Foods Case Study

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Marketing: Kudler Fine Foods The Relative Value of the Market Research The data provided had limited value for the marketing decisions needed to determine the kinds of opportunities Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) needs in its marketing mix for its new catering services. Market research must concentrate on the defined marketing problem and outline potential marketing actions that might result. The goal of marketing research is to identify and define both marketing problems and opportunities, and to generate and improve marketing actions (Kerin & Hartley, 2006). The 2007 and 2008 surveys did not meet the aforementioned requirements. The marketing study for KFF involved two primary data documents collected for the company’s marketing study.…show more content…
Step 1: Problem Definition – For problem definition, researchers must identify the need for the study, the necessary background information to be successful, and outline how this information will be utilized to foster the decision making process. The problem is determining the product selection for catering services. Step 2: Development of the Research Plan - Development of a research plan includes formulating an objective, identifying characteristics or factors that can influence the research design, and determining data collection methods research. The constraints for KFF are twofold: (a) the limitations of time; the catering business must be up a running by November 2005 and; (b) the available financial resources to solve the problem. KFF budgeted $368,200 for marketing efforts for the year 2004. (Kudler Fine Foods,2007) The theoretical method for data collection is “concepts” since we are attempting to identify potential customer’s responses to a new…show more content…
Each observation form/notes must be reviewed, edited, and, if necessary, corrected. This is to ensure that results are readily available to support the decision making process. Step 5: Implementation of Marketing Action Recommendations - Based on the information provided we can make an educated decision on product selection for the catering service. In this step we bridge theory with practice. We have asked a question, received an answer, now we must implement the answer. The implementation of the answer and ensuing results will tell us if we asked the proper question. Understanding the marketing component “place” within catering services? Outlined in the aforementioned sections of the paper place identifies the location where a product is available for purchased or where services are performed. Place is also referred to as the distribution channel. It can include both physical as well as virtual locations. In regards to KFF as a service provider, “place” is focused on the most efficient and effective method of transporting, storing, and distribution of the catered foods (goods). Currently, Kathy assumes this responsibility but as business increases this component must be

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