Kite Runner Essay

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The Kite Runner Study Guide and Vocabulary Practice Questions – Copy and answer each question carefully. Chapters 8-9 1. How does Hassan act in the weeks following the kite fighting tournament? Hassan became quiet, all he wanted to do was sleep basically he was depress. 2. Describe Amir's relationship with his father after winning the tournament. Amir and his father became close, they did stuff together. They had a regular father son relationship. 3. What did Amir say as he lay awake in the room of sleeping relatives in Jalalabad? He confesses about watching Hassan getting rape and not doing anything about it. 4. How does Hassan try to rekindle his relationship with Amir? Hassan asks Amir if he wanted to go climb the hill with him. 5. Amir and his father are enjoying their new relationship until Amir asks him a question that angers him. What is this question? If Baba ever thought about getting new servants. 6. What occurs between Amir and Hassan at the top of the hill in the cemetery? Amir started hitting Hassan with pomegranate hoping he would hit him back but he never did. 7. Describe Amir's birthday party. Amir birthday party was big, lavish; it was packed with more than 400 people. He got a lot of gifts. 8. Why does Amir get so angry when his father refers to Assef as Assef Jan? Because Baba didn’t call him Amir jan often so he was jealous. 9. What gift does Assef give Amir for his birthday? He gave him a biography of Hitler. 10. What story does Rahim tell Amir on his birthday? He told him the story about how he almost got married once. 11. What do Hassan and Ali give Amir for his birthday? They gave him a new copy of shahnamah. 12. What does Amir do to get Ali and Hassan in trouble? He put his new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under Hassan bed. 13. How does Amir's father react when Ali quits? He cried

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