Kildare’s Rebellion in 1534 Was the Major Turning Point in Maintaining the Political Stability in Tudor Ireland.’ How Far Do You Agree?

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Kildare’s rebellion in 1534 was the major turning point in maintaining the political stability in Tudor Ireland.’ How far do you agree? Kildare’s rebellion in 1534 was the major turning point in the maintaining of political stability in Tudor Ireland. The Kildare rebellion caused the stability to fall due to several different reformations, for example, the Henrician reformations. However, it could be argued that this was not the only major turning point in political stability in Ireland. On the 11th June 1534, Thomas Fitzgerald, also known as the vice-deputy of Ireland, renounced his alliance to Henry VIII. This sparked a key rebellion of which would change the stability in Ireland for years to come. The Act of Supremacy in 1534, can also back up the point of the Kildare rebellion. In 1534, Henry was beginning to change the religion in England for the better of his future heir, Edward VI. England was a Catholic country, and so Ireland followed in its footsteps and was also a devoted Catholic country. The Act of Supremacy meant that Henry was now the head of the church, a protestant movement. This caused uproar in Ireland since England was becoming a protestant country, and Henry expected Ireland to follow them. On the 11th June 1534, the 8th Earl of Kildare, also known as the vice-deputy of Ireland, renounced his alliance to Henry VIII due to these changes. Henry heard of this and summoned Garette Org Fitzgerald to London since he felt that the way in which Ireland was being run was against the new Henrician reformaties. This left Silken Thomas, the 9th Earl of Kildare, in charge. News reached Silken Thomas that his father had been killed, when in actual fact he had been locked in the tower. This sparked the rebellion. The impetuosity of Silken Thomas can be seen for this reason. He wanted to rebel against England due to his fathers death. Other people in
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