Kickapoo Indians: History, Culture, And Current St

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Kickapoo Indians used to live in the lower parts of Wisconsin but later lived in the southern parts of Illinois and Indiana, which were among lands detained by Illinois and Miami, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Because they were undeveloped and agricultural, they took many journeys near the country's longest river, the Mississippi, to hunt down wild and tame creatures. Hunting, they used many earthly tools that they shaped themselves such as bows, arrows, and spears. Also, because they were agricultural they ate staple food such as corn. As they, the Kickapoo Indians, became more known, they were known as travelers and for their daring or risk-taking character. They were, not nomadic, but traveled every now and then. Most of their traveling was overland since the Kickapoo Indians were farmers. As horses became known to the country, they became the most used way of transportation instantly. Their traveling also introduced them to several and various customs that they took and practiced. Kickapoo Indians lived in homes called wickiups. Most of them are made of mostly vines and wood that all connect together at a point as the ceiling. Kickapoo Indian men and women played roles as you would think of in any history class. Men did the hunting and most of the muscle work and women did a lot of the farming and the house work. They also took care of the children. The children, back then, played just like the kids of today and yesterday. The only difference is that they worked more than today's children. They had a hard way of life having a lot of responsibilities that changed the way they think, giving them a mind smarter than the average child today (if comparing two kids of the same age). Kickapoo Indian culture is very similar to the Shawnee Indians'. Kickapoo is even a Shawnee word meaning "wanderer", according to the Kickapoo Indians facts for kids.

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