Were American Indians Good at Solving Poblems with Living on the Great Plains?

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Wuhere the Indians successful at solving the problems of lining on the Great Plains? The Indians were very good at making the most out of the few resources that they had access to whilst living in such a deserted place, this was the main reason that they were able to inhabit the plains, whilst no one else thought that it was possible. Firstly they used the Buffalo to a great standard, not leaving any of its body behind after it has been hunted. They would use its hide for clothes, carriers and the main material for the construction of the tipis. They would also use it’s bladder for food bags, it’s tongue as a hair brush, and even its brain for tanning hides. Their religious beliefs, of using every part of the buffalo became a major reason why they were able to live on the plains. Another reason they were able to survive in such a harsh way of life, was that they were a community in which Polygamy was encouraged. This was because of the outnumbering ratio of women to men, due to the men dying during hunts, and battle. This meant that each man could also have a lot more children than if he were to only marry one wife; the community would then grow bigger and stronger, for battle and for hunting. Polygamy also meant that every woman had a man to provide for them, and they also had extra help with cleaning and setting up the Tipi after each move, this also means that they could move and set up their camps quicker, so they could keep track of the buffalo. Keeping track of the Buffalo, also played a huge part in the survival of the Indians on the Plains, because the Buffalo were what they needed for everything. So a major factor of how they did this, was the fact that they were travellers, and never settled anywhere. The Indians were incredibly organised when it came to packing and setting up their camps. This meant that they could be up and following the buffalo
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