Story of Atlantis (Creation of Human Beings, Short Story)

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Story of Atlantis by Arshia Asgharian Earliest defining of human traits of bipedalism (two legs) evolved over 4 million years ago in human years. The more complex human traits were emerged mainly during the past 100,000 years. Many in earth wonder how humans evolved so fast in technology only in the past few thousands of years. 11,000 years ago a large tribe of ape like humans was travelling through a tropical jungle to seek food. The jungle was covered with grass and massive plants. The trees were extremely tall but they lacked fruits, the mass quantity of plants and the existence of sun made the air feel humid. The leader of the tribe was known as Chikelu and he was known as the alpha male of the tribe and he ordered commandments to the rest of the tribe. Chikelu had grouped the agile and smart members of the tribe to be the hunters. Imari and Imamu are twin brothers that are both talented at hunting together. Imari is the fastest hunter; he could sprint like a cheetah. Imamu is the one who comes up with great plans to capture the prey. “You two spread across the jungle and look for any source of food” ordered Chikelu. “Yes chief I will climb the tallest tree and look for preys around us, and you Imamu wait for my call once I spot one approach it and we will improvise our plan from there.” Said Imari Imari climbed a very tall slanted tree and he begun to scope out for prey. He spotted a bison 500 meters away. “I have spotted a bison near the shore” Imari informed the tribe. Chikelu, Imamu, and the rest of the tribe moved to the shore. “We cannot kill that bison” said Chikelu “I have a feeling that it is an omen, I can feel the energy of the spirits within that bison” Chikelu preached. The people of the tribe were hungry and dazzled with chief Chikelu statement. Since they are not the ones to make commands they listened to him and followed the bison. Once

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