Key Issues In Working In Schools

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Key issues on working in schools E1 Legislations that support the teaching assistant in promoting safe working practice in schools are Health and Safety 1974 CRB (criminal records bureau) 2002 Riddor (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurring diseases) 1995 COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) 1999 Health & Safety at work 1974 ECM (every child matters) 2003 E2 Policies and procedures that the teaching assistant might use in relation to safety are First aid policy, this is used when a child has injured themselves (only qualified first aiders are able to administer first aid). Behaviour policy, in this will be the rules of the school along with the sanctions or consequences that would have to be followed if the rules were broken by any child, for example if two children were fighting in the playground, I would put them both on time out and then talk to each of them to find out what was the reason for fighting, then come to a resolve and make them understand fighting is against the rules. The behaviour policy needs to be adhered to, to be able to follow the safeguarding policy. Risk assessment policy is there to identify any risks within the classroom or outdoor area of the school environment, for example checklists can be done, make sure fire exits are clear and easily accessible, no hanging wires, chairs are stacked with no more than 4 in each stack. E3 When children are playing indoors or outdoors you need to supervise to make sure they are safe from any dangers. Dangers indoors to look out for could be fire exits clear from clutter, any spillages are mopped up or cleared away, no bags or coats on back of chairs to prevent children from tripping up. Outdoor dangers to look out for are the area is clean there are no sharp objects on the ground and all gates are shut, also the teaching assistant should
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