Develop Health and Safety and Risk Management Policies, Procedures and Practices in Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings.

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Unit Ref: K/602/3172 Develop health and safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices in health and social care or children and young people’s settings. 1. Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health and social care or children and young people’s settings. 1.1 There is a number of legislation relevant to early years settings that govern Health and Safety. These include: * The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 This is the primary piece of health and safety legislation that outlines the responsibilities of individual employers for maintaining health and safety in the workplace. It applies to any person who uses the premises whether they are employees, parents or visitors to the setting. It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to enforce the Health and Safety act. The HSE have the power to issue prohibition or improvement notices and can prosecute any person found to be in breach of the act. An employer’s duties include ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees by means of risk assessments, training and instruction for employees and sharing of information. Employers must have a written Health and Safety policy that all employees have familiar with. Employees have a common duty of care to take reasonable precautions for the health and safety of themselves and others. All employers are required to display the Health and Safety Law poster. Other relevant acts within the Health and Safety Act relating to early Years are: * Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) This Act details how to protect children from dangerous chemicals (including cleaning materials and medicines). It includes regulations about storage and usage. * RIDDOR -

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