Unit 4 Essay

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LHS4 Develop Health & Safety and Risk Management Policies, Procedures and Practices in Health & Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings. Outcome 1 Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health and social care or children and young people’s settings. 1 Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of the health and safety legislation in Great Britain. It provides the legal framework to promote and encourage high standards in the workplace. The Act, when first introduced, provided an integrated system dealing with workplace health and safety and the protection of the public from work activities. By placing duties upon employees, employers, the self-employed, manufacturers, designers and importers of work equipment and materials, the protection of the law, rights and responsibilities are available and given to all at work. An employer has a general duty to, as far as is reasonably practicable, safeguard the health, safety and welfare of employees by ensuring that plant and equipment are safe; safe handling, storage, maintenance and transport of articles and substances; provision for employees of information, instruction, training and supervision; a safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities; safe access and a safe system of work. Where there are five or more employees, an employer has an absolute duty to provide a written health and safety policy and to ensure that all employees have seen it. 2 Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements. Discuss whether the policies in place in your setting conform with organisational
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