Juvenile Delinquency - Family Disorganisation

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JUVENILE DELINQUENCY THE FAMIL DISORGANISATION ISSUE INTRODUCTION  Juvenile delinquency is one of the serious problems of deviation which the children of almost all the modern societies of the world are facing. There may be many social and psychological factors responsible for the drift in child’s conforming behaviour to delinquents.  CAUSES FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Broken home,  Poverty,  Illiteracy,  Low socio- economic status,  Behavioural problems,  Peer groups,  Negative impact of media.  DEFINITION  According to THE JUVENILE JUSTICE (CARE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN) ACT, 2000 "juvenile" or "child" means a person who has not completed eighteenth year of age; "juvenile in conflict with law" means a juvenile who is alleged to have committed an offence   Reckless (1956) defines the term as “juvenile delinquents applies to the violation of criminal code or pursuit of certain pattern of behaviour disapproved for children and young adolescents” THEORIES  SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY  PRIMING EFFECTS THEORY  STRAIN THEORY  ANOMIE THEORY FAMILY DISORGANISATION  Family disorganisation is the term includes any disorganisation in the family such as # Low socio economic status of the family, # Broken home, # Adultery, # Ill parental discipline etc. CONTINUES….. Among a number of factors responsible for delinquency the greatest amount of research has been done with reference to family.  This is appropriate because of the vital significance often family as “The cradle of personality”. The basic reaction patterns of thinking and feeling are established during the early years in and through the family.  EXPERTS VIEW  Breckenridge and Abbott in their book on “The Delinquent Child and the Home (1916)” indicate that family deficiencies are correlated with delinquency. THANK YOU

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