The Effects of Single Motherthood in Juvenile Delinquency

1991 Words8 Pages
The Effects of Single Motherhood on Teenage Delinquency By Brandy Lopez Juvenile Justice Abstract This research paper will attempt to explain the effects of single motherhood on juvenile delinquency. The findings suggest that children raised by single parent rather than two parent households are at greater risk for delinquency. Children raised by single parent households face many disadvantages. Girls are at greater risk for having sex as young teens and more likely to have abortions and more children. Boys are at a greater risk for committing suicide and also for committing more crimes. Men who grow up in broken families are less likely to wed and have a lower opinion of marriage and of parenthood than those from intact families, which then will repeat itself in the next generation and lead to a never ending cycle. Introduction There is a rise in the epidemic of single parenthood and delinquency. It is becoming more and more clear how important a two family household is. Research shows us all the disadvantages that children of single parent households face and all of the advantages that children have that live in a two parent household. Children that live with only one parent is usually missing a father figure, which plays a vital role in the delinquency of children. Family structure is very important in the upbringing of a child and could be the deciding factor that leads to delinquent behaviors. Literature Review Children who live in homes with only one parent or in which marital relationships have been disrupted by divorce or separation are more likely to display a range of behavioral problems including delinquency, than children who are from two parent families (Thornberry, et al. 1999). Children who witness marital discord are at greater risk of becoming delinquents. Previous research has demonstrated associations between exposure to

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