Sibling Relationships In Foster Care

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“Placement Shift, Sibling Relationship Quality, and Child Outcomes in Foster Care: A Review” Abstract: The study sought to investigate sibling unity and its affect on child behavior problems while in the foster care system. The study tried to find support for the long held protective policy of placing siblings together. In the study of 156 maltreated children, siblings were in one of three placement groups: continuously together, continuously apart, or disrupted placement. Changes in child adjustment as a function of sibling relationship and placement group were examined. Positivity and negativity between siblings and individual behavior problems were noted before placement and observed upon follow-up. Sibling positivity predicted lower…show more content…
Case workers, child welfare services, and the psychological community alike have taken an interest as to the impact sibling separation has on an individual child. Sibling relationships are the most enduring of interpersonal ties and serve as important contexts for individual development (East & Khoo, 2005). The researchers wanted only to observe the effect that sibling relationships have on adjustment during tenure in foster care and other factors. A broad sample pool was used and factors such as age spacing, initial placement, duration of maltreatment, kinship vs. certified foster home, caregiver language, and disability were used as elimination (control) factors. This particular study used 78 sibling pairs (after elimination). Negative and positive relationships between siblings (i.e. warmth as opposed to aggression and rivalry) were also taken into account because they can provide a potential training ground for antisocial behavior (Bank, Patterson, & Reid, 1996). The independent variables in this study were placement group (whether siblings were together or apart upon initial and follow-up) and sibling relationship quality, either positive or negative (Linares, Li, Shrout, Brody & Pettit,…show more content…
Sibling relationship, as stated in East & Khoo (2005) study, holds high importance and shapes behavioral characteristics in adolescence. Older siblings and the relationship between them can have an adverse affect on the behavior of the younger sibling. Sibling relationship importance in regards to behavior can be paralleled to this study. Without a doubt these relationships affect the way in which a child adapts to changes and environment. Another goal of this study was to support the importance of relationships between siblings and the impact that placement in foster care (separate or apart) may have on that relationship. The study did have limitations; it ignored other family influences such as parenting, birth order, and gender differences. Positivity and negativity were assessed as separate entities in the sibling relationship. It would be helpful in future research to balance between those two entities in respect to the relationship between the siblings. The study has given insight as to how negative sibling relationships can adversely affect adjustment in foster care and how positivity between siblings can help ease behavioral problems and
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