Jason v. Herkales

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In Classical Mythology there are numerous reoccurring storylines throughout the various texts we have read. In Greek Mythology there are many comparisons in the various Greek Heroes. The most notable similarities are seen between the Greek Heroes of Herakles and Jason. Both Heroes had similar childhoods, and were each raised by mentors outside of their families. They both successfully accomplished a series of tasks on the quests they were sent on. They also share the similar relationships with the gods. Both Jason and Herakles have had threatening childhoods. Pelius, the king of Jolcus, is told by an oracle, “beware of the one-sandaled man” (ACM 25). As a result of this, Pelius kills numerous amounts of his young male relatives in order to prevent what the oracle said from being reality. Luckily, Aison, the father of Jason is able to save Jason’s life, and in order to do so he sends him to Chiron the Centaur to be raised. Like Jason, Herakles has a similar childhood. Hera Zeus’ wife is extremely angry that Zeus had an affair with Alcmene. Herakles was the product of his affair infuriating Hera even more. In a jealous attempt to kill Herakles, Hera sends two snakes to his bed (ACM 33). Herakles with his strength is able to save both himself and his mother by killing both the snakes with his bare hands. Because of this Herakles was raised by a variety of experts in various fields of fighting. Jason on the other hand was rescued by his father and was raised by only one mentor. Jason’s childhood and ultimately his youth resembled that of Herakles; however was nowhere near as glorious. The reader begins to recognize the differences in the way these two heroes were raised. Later in life, both Greek heroes accomplished a series of difficult assigned tasks. Jason was sent on his first task after Pelias caught sight of him crossing the river

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