Jake Has Become Very Anxious Ever Since He Started Taking Harder Classes in His Major. the University’s Counselor Diagnosed Him with an Anxiety Disorder. Compare and Contrast How the Behavioral, Humanistic, and

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Behavioral Approach: Is somewhat of a visual way of measuring ones inner thoughts, by the emotions on their face, the actions they do. For instance if Jake had come in with a looking worried, accompanied with a rocking motion to self soothe himself, it wouldn't take long for a psychologist to visually observe his upset behavior may be linked to anxiety Therapy: The Behavior therapy might Include thinking of what exactly induces the anxiety and the nervous behavior and then challenging it. Behavior doesn't seem to really touch the mind, so treating anxiety (Anxiety being more of a state of mind, with added on behaviors) with only a behavioral approach would not be the best solution. Unless paired with a cognitive approach. (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy would be when thinking of negative thoughts (the behavior) counter it by thinking in a more realistic and helpful manner. Humanistic Approach: The Idea people strive for self actualization ( a reason of fulfillment). Considering Jake may have not had a problem before college, and his anxiousness seemed to have started after taking harder courses for his major. The conclusion and diagnoses may have stemmed from the idea Jake feels like he isn't meeting the standards he set up for himself and not fulfilling his own goals. Therapy: Because the idea here is the most important thing is Jake's desire to fulfill and accomplish his goals. The Therapist may recommend Jake take some easier classes. For instance if Jake's computer skills are not the greatest, and he is in a computer class and finding it hard to keep it up, The therapist may recommend he start off small by taking a simple key boarding class before moving on to the next one. This way Jake could still take smaller steps into accomplishing what he wants, at a pace that isn't going to overwhelm him. Cognitive Approach: An approach of measuring ones thoughts,

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