Jacobsen V Nike Canada Ltd.

1059 Words5 Pages
------------------------------------------------- Jacobsen v. Nike Canada Ltd. ------------------------------------------------- Word Count: 1,056 KEY FACTS * Mr. Jacobsen was employed by Nike Canada Ltd. * His job required that he worked for long periods of time. * Nike Canada Ltd. provided food and beer to employees, allowing consumption while on the job. * Mr. Jacobsen consumed approximately 10 beers while at work. * At 11:30pm Mr. Jacobsen left work. * Him and other coworkers went to two other clubs. * Mr. Jacobsen consumed more beer. * Driving home Mr. Jacobsen was involved in a single-vehicle accident. * He was seriously injured in the accident and became a quadriplegic. * Mr. Jacobsen sued Nike Canada Ltd. AREAS OF LAW Employment Law Governed primarily by the general provisions of contract law, a contract of employment involves one person doing work for another. The work is performed as an independent contractor, an employee, or an agency. The Control Test determines if the employee is in a master-servant relationship, where the employee is controlled by the employer. This test was used in Samuda v. Recipco Corp. case, to determine employment. The contract of employment outlines the obligations of both the employee and employer. The main responsibilities of the employee is to be honest, loyal, competent, and act in the employer’s best interests. Obligations of employer includes payment of wages, safe workplace, and good working conditions for the employee. Tort Law Law of Negligence involves unintentional conduct causing injury or damage to others. “The required faults is found in the failure of the wrongdoer to live up to the degree of skill or care required in the circumstances”, as in Crocker v. Sundance Northwest Resorts Ltd . The elements required to establish the defendant’s negligence are: A) A

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