Items Students Need to Survive in College

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Anil Sah ENGWR 51 26th February, 2013 Three Items a Student Need To Survive In College Most of the students, who get an opportunity to attend a college, find surviving in a college to be harder than they had imagined. For most students, beginning of the semester seems to be easy, however it becomes harder and harder to survive in a college as the time pass by. Being in a college, for a student, is a feeling of being in a war. Like a soldier in any war needs weapons to survive, in the same way a student in college needs some items to survive. Unlike a soldier in a war who needs weapons to survive, a college student needs laptop, smartphone and textbook to survive in a college. Laptop is one of the important items a college student should have. First, a student can easily store their most of the notes and classroom material in a laptop, keeping it safe and long lasting. For example, I started using my laptop since 2010 to store my college notes and till these days I am able to see my past classes notes whenever needed. In addition, I can even share my note with my friends who are taking classes that I already took. Second, networking on laptop provides student with an opportunity to search more information on any class material within and outside of a class. For instance, in my plant biology class of this semester, when professor talked about “Kranz Anatomy”, which was a new concept to me so I didn’t understand most of it ; however I was able to go online on my laptop while I was in class, and was able to learn more clearly about Kranz Anatomy. Third, with laptop students are able to retrieve their saved work easily. For example, in my chemistry class of last fall, I forgot to bring my lab report that needed to be turned in, but luckily I had it on my laptop so I was able to plug in my laptop to one of the printer on campus and print my lab report.

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