It Could Have Been You

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Undocumented Immigrant – It Could Have Been You In her article “Undocumented, Indispensable” Anna Quindlen claims that too many Americans assume that undocumented immigrants are a financial drain on our society rather than contributors. One way Quindlen appeals to our emotions is by pointing out that it is offensive and demeaning to use the term “illegal” to describe millions of people who are an integral part of our society. Criminality is implied whenever this term is used, but the vast majority of these people are law-abiding residents. Also present in Quindlen’s essay is a subtle reminder as to how each of us, at one time or another, have felt when we were unjustly blamed for something we had little control over. Because of this reminder, the reader can empathize with these immigrants when they feel many of our financial problems are unjustly blamed on them. This empathy leads into a value proof; that is, it is wrong to demonize a group of people based on incomplete information. The article also seems to use the demonstrations as an example of another value proof: it is good for a mischaracterized segment of our society to demonstrate in the public forum so that their grievances can be heard. Quindlen points out that such demonstrations have a long history in our country and have been used in the past to bring attention to real or perceived injustices. In my opinion, the emotional component of this essay tugs at the readers’ heart but leaves too much room for disagreement. To evoke the strongest, positive response, I think Quindlen could have condensed her emotional proof to just one question: Would the reader cross another country’s border without permission if doing so gave him or her and their family a chance at a better life? The emotional and logical answer would be yes. And if the answer is yes, then the reader could easily imagine that they

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