Issues Faced By Women In The 1920's

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WOMEN’S ISSUES Issues faced by women from 1600-1950 * Women weren’t allowed to vote, allowing the Suffrage Movement to begin. * Women went state by state for their rights to vote. * In the 1920s, ERA was developed, whch was a constitution that said all men and women should be equal * WWII was when women was first accepted in military * They had to follow the patriarchy, which was a male dominated system Issues faced by women from 1600-1950 * Women weren’t allowed to vote, allowing the Suffrage Movement to begin. * Women went state by state for their rights to vote. * In the 1920s, ERA was developed, whch was a constitution that said all men and women should be equal * WWII was when women was first accepted in military * They had to follow the patriarchy, which was a male dominated system Contemprary Issues * The media has a set image for a women and women strive to look “perfect” * Women struggle with…show more content…
Images of Women was used in chapter 1 of The Handmaid’s Tale when women are scared and images the men look at them or talking to them, using their bodies to make a deal. This scene shows how women are objectified. 2. Equitable Gender Role was shown in The Handmaid’s Tale when women were categorized into groups and by their clothing colors. Womns names were their owners labels and treated like properties. Men had dominance and women weren’t treated equally. 3. Gender Study was shown in pg. 69 of The Glass Castle when the dad was blaming mom for everything that happened. “How did this become my problem? Why aren’t you helping?” It showed that male expected women to do everything. 4. Images of Women was show in The Glass Castle when Billy raped Jeanette and she had no control over him. She kept on talking about how she didn’t want it, but he took charge and kept on pushing it. He took power over her and treated her like an
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