Is South Africa a Microcosm of the World?

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Is South Africa a microcosm of the world? Think about the world, it is a huge place filled with people of different races, cultures, languages and religions. Now think about South Africa, A country at the tip of the South of Africa yet again filled with people of different races, cultures, languages and religion. At first glance South Africa does seem like a microcosm of the world, a small representation. But if you look in more depth you begin to see the wide variety of differences which make South Africa a country like no other. In this essay I will be exploring why I think South Africa is a microcosm of the world and how it is also very different. First I am going to start off looking at the wealth of South Africa, I think the wealth of South Africa is vastly different than that of the rest of the worlds as 65% of the white people in South Africa are rich, which at first you think is quite similar to the rest of the world but there are quite a lot of rich people in places like China and some parts of Europe who are not in fact White but of coloured skin, so if you look at it in that retrospect non-coloured people are the richest in the world. Also if you look at South Africa, since apartheid which forced the country apart and has left a lasting effect that will be there for generations to come, the gap between the rich and the poor is gradually getting smaller, give it 50 years and the gap will have decreased even more. However if you look at the world as sad as it is the gap between the rich and the poor seems to be getting bigger, give the world 50 years and it’ll probably have grown even bigger because there will always be poverty, there will always be LEDC’s. As nice as it is to hope that one day everyone will be equal I don’t really see it happening, at least not in the next few lifetimes. The population growth of South Africa and the world are quite

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