Is School the Place to Impart Knowledge or Socialize?

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| | | Schools should be viewed not only as institutions that impart certain knowledge and skills to students, but also as environments that socialize them, produce individuals with high moral and ethical background. Every personality develops with and owing to our environment and people that surround us. Children spend at least half of their lives at school. That’s why it is very important for us, parents, first of all, to find and identify suitable surroundings that will inflect our baby’s behavior and hence, traits of his character. To my way of thinking, The most important step schools should take with the cooperation of the Department of education is to place less emphasis on scholarly achievements and examination grades. Currently, due to heavy stress on examination results, many, if not all, student commit to memorize rather than have a balanced approach to studies. They do backbreaking studies and attend tuition classes so that they are able to sit their A-level exams. This leaves them little time to indulge in extra-curricular activities or sports. As I see it, In order to produce well rounded individuals, grades should be given for assignments, extra curricular activities as well as involvement in sports, non-academic activities. This would produce students with innovative, more assertive, multiple-skilled and creative personalities as progression in school would not be based solely on examinations. In addition, a system should encourage the students to volunteer with community-based organizations such as orphanages, centers for the disabled and other social non-governmental organizations. That would ultimately enable them to acquire people's skills such as communication. Besides, it will raise in children such important human qualities as compassion, consciousness, tenderness, mutual help and respect. It stands to reason that the task of
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