Is Change Positive or Negative?

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Change is something that affects people in abundant ways. It is both positive and negative, but overall it is neutral. Someone could win the lottery, which would be a positive change in their life; there could be a death of someone dear to you, which is obviously negative; and something like moving is neutral. It could be positive for some people, negative for others, but your daily routine would go about the same way. There are many different examples of change; and I’m going to explain and elaborate on them. Bad changes happen often to everyone. There’s no way that you can stop it. It happens naturally, and people respond differently to them. For instance, there were a variety of different responses after the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001. In the excerpt from Simplexity by Jeffrey Kluger, the author is discussing the series of events that happened on that day, and how everyone had reacted to them. Some people got busy tying their shoes on their way to work that day, or had to stop to use the restroom, or maybe even their car stopped working. That was pure luck that they didn’t go to work that day. But those that went to work, sprinted for the stairs, saved their work, stopped to help others escape. Like I had said, there was a variety of responses. It was a drastic neutral change, having your workplace attacked by terrorists, but most lives were spared because of quick thinking. It was negative because they had lost their jobs and good coworkers. But on the brighter side, they got to get another job, get on with their lives, and be happy again. The terrorist attack is just one example of change. Another great exemplar is in the poem Magic Island by Cathy Song. She writes about her grandparents moving to somewhere peaceful, much different from where they were originally from, and “suspicious of so much sunshine, they keep expecting rain.” Their change
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