Internal Locus of Control

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During this unit I assessed my internal locus of control, and according to the results I border between having a moderate and strong internal locus of control. I have done these tests previously and it does improve with time… I believe as a result of a combination of maturity and life experience. This topic has been paradoxical to me on three major fronts, which I will unpack here: Firstly, academically speaking if I answer the questions as we are taught, the correct answers are apparent and selecting them would result in a strong internal locus of control, but skewed from reality. The reality however is that life is based on circumstance, others, and whether we like it or not, corruption, nepotism and favouritism do exists and do influence outcomes. I for one don’t believe that if my house is burgled, that I can be held accountable. Or a baby who dies at a day or two old, dies as a result of a poor internal locus. Secondly, my faith teaches me that God has a plan for each one of us, and from my experience, running my life in sync to that plan results in a far more desirable outcome than when I am resistant to it. That doesn’t imply that I follow my faith blindly, I do question at times, and falter in line with being human. Lastly, if we were to assume that we are truly in control of our destiny/outcome, living in a vacuum from externalities, what would be the need for gratitude and humility? We would in that world be fully accountable and could boast of our successes or be suicidal in our failures. It simply is not realistic and the guidelines for doing these is to evaluate where our thinking fits inside the confines of the model. My learning and take away is to accept that we do live in a world where externalities do exist, and influence our lives. The key however is to learn to accept that which we cannot change, and take

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