Influence of Visual Media

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Influence of Visual Media Paper (Film, TV) Jerdel Weaver-Hardy HUM/176 June 3, 2013 Professor William Hecht The development of mass media over the years has shaped American culture in many ways. Providing us with many variations of visual entertainment such as television, TV has provided American’s to actually visualize through advertisements. American culture has the opportunity to view a new product on the market before we purchase it. We can keep up with the latest trends as to what to wear. Over the years television has changed immensely we no longer have to physically get up to change from one channel to the next. Digital convergence has enabled us to use a battery operated remote control to change TV channels. Television and film has influenced people to try to live like the rich and famous or they have helped us to envision what it would be like to live as a celebrity. Certain programs have encouraged and motivated people to eat better exercise more or seek the professional help they may need. There are motivational speakers and health professionals to help guide us to a healthier lifestyle. Americans must always remain aware that all media information is not reliable and we must have the ability to filter the out the negative messages. If we remember and recognize the disadvantages and advantages of visual media it will allow us to become a wiser audience, when we can separate facts from fiction. Social influences of visual entertainment are mostly positve from my perspective simply because you have several options to choose from if there is a program you particulary do not enjoy you have the option to turn on a program better suited for your entertainment. Movies also, provide us with choices of what type of entertainment we would prefer for example: comedy, horror, suspense, drama, romance and action, just to name a
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